The Best IM Tools To Start Out With
In order to make money, you really have to spend a little, any businessman could tell you that. Problem is, most of us don't have much money to spend. There are a ton of progams out there that all claim to have everything you need to earn income online and be an internet marketer. Most are absolute rubbish, but a few are true to their word. Problem is, they cost an arm and a leg to get in.
Now I do have adsense on this blog, mostly just to show a good example of how you can easily set up a blogger blog to make money. Other than the adsense advertisements that don't make me any money anyway (because the kind of people who read my blog don't click ads), I seriously suggest looking into the tools I have listed. Yes, I am an affiliate with them, and yes I hope to make a little cash off of your signing up, but these three programs I have advertised here are by far the best bang for your $$$ to get backlinks and I seriously suggest looking into them.
I have already written a post about how to get the most out of your Article Marketing Automation account. That is an incredible system that just blows me away every time I use it. The potential is huge, and once the sites age, you'll have a great system with minimal work. Right now, it takes just a little work to get things going. Running Bookmarking Demon on your pingbacks is a great way to get the link juices flowing. I really recommend Article Marketing Automation. I'd stay on just for the spinner they have, it's great.
Connect Content is another great system. Low cost and well worth the few bucks a month price tag. For the money, you won't find a better deal out there, and since everything is pretty legit, you have very little to worry about.
Finally, I recently joined up with Backlink Solutions. They opened their doors for a short time, and I jumped on the bandwagon. They have a much smaller reach than either of the other systems, but they have a powerful technique for making each link count. Well worth the price if you ask me.
Put together, these three systems cost less than most of the major networks out there. Individually, each is great and can be very useful, but stack them up, use one to promote the other and such... well for less than it would cost you to join LV or TK, you've got yourself pure Internet Marketing gold. That's something any Internet Privateer would be interested in. If you need any help figuring out how to do this, then drop me a comment in the blog and we can talk.
Like what you see? Do me a huge favor and use my links to sign up. You don't have to, but it costs you nothing, and it certainly would help me continue to test out other systems and bring the results back to you.
Oh, and one last note, before you sign up to these services, make sure you know what you are doing and how to use them appropriately. The last thing anybody wants is to get G slapped.
Internet Privateer Out.
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