
Monday, December 29, 2008

Write for online income

How to write to earn online income

As most bloggers quickly discover, earning income online is all about writing. You quickly realize that in order to blog you have to write, and write a lot. Now writing isn't the easiest thing for many people to do, but don't worry it gets much easier as time goes on.

I was reading an article on problogger today, and lo and behold, it was actually useful. It was about how to write fast. This pertains directly to us Online Privateers as we write quite a bit. We write content for our sites, we write articles to submit to other sites and directories, we rewrite our articles, we jot down ideas, make lists, and lay down thousands of words every single day.

How in the world do we keep that kind of pace up? It can be mind numbing at times. Well, that problogger article had some good suggestions, and I'm going to tailor them to our own purposes as we don't just write for fun, we write to make money!

Step 1: Have an idea of what you are going to write about
This involves having done your research. You want to write about your niche, and you want your article to be keyword rich in whatever your chosen topic will be about. So think about it, draw inspiration from everything you are doing. Sitting at a computer screen isn't necessarily the best way to get inspired to write to make money. Walk your dog, wash your car, go shopping, watch tv (be careful with this one. TV numbs your brain and kills inspiration).

Step 1a: Perfect a few organization structures
This was a great suggestion I learned from problogger. Think about how you could format the article. As a Question/Answer format, a story format, a list, a step by step guide (as in the case of this article), or whatever else you can think of. This will help you organize your thoughts.

Step 1b: Start with a seed
Go on ezinearticles and find an article similar to what you are talking about. This will be your seed. Read it, and get ideas for how to organize your article.

Step 2: Do your research
Once you've got an idea, with a few phrases, do a bit of research. Use google adwords to see what people are looking for when it comes to your article. You may be surprised and find a whole new slew of ideas for articles to write by doing this. I regularly get inspiration from using this tool for my blogs, use it liberally and use it well.

Step 3: Outline your article
You've got the idea, you've found your keywords, now put together a simple outline for your article. Things to include in this outline are the main topics and the ideas within. The main topics should contain whatever keywords you are trying to target. They then become the Hx tags for your article. Keep this outline brief and simple, you don't want to loose your train of thought. It's chugging along and will leave you behind if you don't keep up!

Step 4: Stream of conciousness writing
Now just write. Spill your guts, pour out your heart, and type out whatever ideas you happen to have on the subject. Ramble on until you've got no words left. The more you put down, the more you have to work with when you go back over and edit it. Make sure you include a few instances of your keywords and variations in the text when you are crafting your article.

Step 5: Format the article
Now go through your article and add in the links and anchor text you want to target. Bold some of the keywords to get the most bang out of the article as well. Make sure you used Hx tags to get the main points across.

Step 6: Post it
You're done. Post it, and move onto your next idea that came to you while you were spilling your guts on this last one.

If you are serious about making money with your writing then you will want to rewrite your masterpiece. If you use a service like AMA, as I seriously recommend you do, then you will need to get proficient at rewriting. The more rewritten an article, the more juice it can get. One article rewritten will get you hundreds of backlinks and save you hours of work.

How to rewrite articles

Rewriting is where my brain starts to hurt. It takes some serious endurance and practice to get proficient at this. You now want to go through the article and rewrite the sentences and/or the adjectives so that they will produce another original piece. I have found some nice little free tools that help the process.

Use A Thesaurus
Using an online thesaurus helps a ton in finding adjectives and inspiration to rework the sentences. Just type in your word and use it to get ideas for what else you could say in that spot. It's a seriously invaluable aid to rewriting articles. I have one as a widget on my computer.

Googles translation tool
Also using google's own translation tool helps as well. Copy and paste a paragraph into the translator, translate it into a few different languages, then translate it back into English, and you've got yourself a new paragraph. It may take a little rewriting to get the paragraph making sense, but it is a very helpful tool.

Stick with it, you can learn to write and rewrite your articles quickly to produce the tons of content you need. What works for you?

Monday, December 22, 2008

10 Steps to Online Profit with Niche Blogs

10 Tried and True Steps to Earning Income Online!
Niche blogging secrets from the masters

On a recent private forum posting, one of my good friends and teachers for earning income online wrote an article with an excellent 10 step program to turning your niche blog into a money maker. I'm just going to repost it here for your Online Privateer reading enjoyment.

Take these steps to heart, and build off them, they are from a real master of this field and successful online blogger.

Here's a step by step money makers guide:

1. Create a simple, cheesy looking and boring free blogger blog using your main keywords in the domain name

2. SEO it! This involves using your main keywords in the title of your first post, and liberally spread in the body of the post. Highlight the keywords in the body at least once.

3. Add some more posts every so often, all with your main keywords in the title as well as in the body.

4. Submit your blog to your Technorati profile.

5. Write an article about the topic of your blog and submit it to GoArticles with a link to your blog (using your main keywords as anchor text) in the resource box AND another link in the first paragraph - GoArticles allow you to do this!

6. In a few days from submitting the article, you should be indexed by Google.

7. Once your posts have reached 10-12, start monetizing the blog with PPC (adsense or similar) and affiliate links and banners.

8. Submit your blog to your MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog profiles

9. Blog about your new blog in your established blogs for more one-way links.

10. Write more articles to GoArticles and some other high PR article directories for more backlinks and to drive traffic your way.

By now a month or so should have passed and you should be placed somewhere in the SERPs. Over time your position should rise as long as you keep gathering backlinks slowly and surely from natural sources - that means NO link farms or link directories.

Try commenting in blogs that DoFollow your link. Write about your blog in some forums. Use free advertising message boards to generate more free links. Also Yahoo Answers is another way of getting high profile links.

Once you get high enough in the SERPs you should start seeing some search engine traffic - which is much more desirable than social network traffic.


Social Network traffic don't click ad links! SE traffic does!

All of these above steps are entirely kosher and white hate with the big G. There truly is no better and more above board formula to making money online. This method is tried and true. Couple this with a few of my other suggestions on link building and article writing, and you will have yourself a real online profiteering treasure trove in the making.

A warning example...

You may be wondering why I didn't fulfill my first promise to show you a real case study on how you can make online profit. I was going to feature a great blog that was making real money to show you how anybody can turn their blog into a job. I never did. Well, that's because he got his adsense account banned after only a month of blogging. Apparently he was a little to good at what he did. In less than a month, he racked up just about $100 in adsense earnings. This raised some huge flags with Google, as literally one in 10 million blogs are capable of doing that. He had literally no experience blogging before, and was able to turn a free blog at blogger into a real cash cow money maker. How did he do it? Pretty much he focused on networking. He taught a ton of other people how to put adsense on their blogger blogs, chatted in forums and chat rooms about his site, and explained how to they could make money on their own blogs. This in turn drove traffic to his blog, and they clicked his ads to see how it works or purely out of interest in his advertising.

But Google would have none of it. They banned him from their Adsense network because they said he was "clicking on his own ads" which was completely untrue and unfair. Now, google has to deal with a lot of scammers and people trying to game the system, but this guy did nothing wrong and did nothing to violate Googles terms and policies. He actually helped the G by teaching others how to monetize their blogs with adsense. You'd think G would be happy about this as it means more revenue for them. But no, alas, he was labeled as a scammer and lost his privileges. Really, it was Google who lost out.

What is the lesson all you Online Privateers should take away from this? Do good, but don't to too good. Making too much money too soon raises flags with Google. Our goal is to make money while staying under the radar. If your blog is making over $100 in its first month... then be aware that Google is going to do a little hand review of your website, and make sure everything, including any links or comments or articles you may have made are completely above board. Or else what happened to him could happen to you.

Coming spoon:

Coming soon will be an article discussing the finer points and differences in whether your goal is to make money blogging, or blogging to make money. As you will see, they are very different monsters, and each require a very different approach.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Reading about Making Money Online

Reading Online Income Blogs Addiction

It's my guilty pleasure... I'm an addict, and I can't stop, and I'm sure I'm not alone in my addiction: Reading Make Money Online blogs. It's one of my favorite ways to waste time. I'm thoroughly addicted, and I don't think I can stop. I read everything I can about making money online. I read the posts, I check the comments, I follow the links, I share my thoughts, I do just about everything except what I should be doing: Grinding away at making online profits.

I think it's a habit we all get into in this business. Since most of us are self taught, and the hard way at that, we have spent countless hours reading and searching on the internet for how to do things, what works, what doesn't, learning from others experiences. When we finally get enough information to do it ourselves... well it's hard to break the habit of reading those danged Make Money Online blogs.

You know what they are going to say, most of them recycle the same old crap, some actually do recycle the same old crap with PLR articles... but that's another story. I honestly just enjoy reading about how to make money online. But it is a HUGE time waster, like getting all involved in this social media craze. Fun as all getout, but adds no real value to your online income margins.

Don't get me wrong, reading make money online blogs is a very important part of staying in the game. You have to stay ahead of the curve, or at least not get left behind. So you have to keep up on the industry. But when it all boils down, how much time do we spend reading other peoples work instead of doing our own?

Break the habit! Do the work!

Earning income online is about hard work, it's about focusing your efforts, managing your time, and putting your head down and just doing it. This is a competitive game, and it is constantly changing. We all would do well to read a little less, and work a little more.

The whole niche about writing about how to make money online is a strange one at that. And now you have blogs (this one included) who write about writing about earning online income. And at this very moment I am writing about reading about writing about how to make online profit. How's that for a twisted little game?

My Favorite Four letter word: Balance

It's a balancing act. Reading and experimenting with new things to stay ahead of the game, and doing the actual work to stay IN the game. What has worked for me is to find just the blogs that really hit the nail on the head, that always are on the edge of this online money making game and read them. I don't waste my time on these other crap blogs and sites that keep spouting off: "Dofollow comments" "Directory Submissions" "Article Directories" "blah blah blah"

If everybody does it, know what? It's probably wrong.

Seriously, our time is better spent finding a niche and filling it with something of value. Putting well researched articles up that actually make us some money, instead of reading about how others are "supposedly" making money online.

Have a dang original thought instead of reading other's. For instance let's get real, more and more people are adblind! When is the last time you clicked on adsense? I don't even see the stuff, I hardly notice it anymore. If it doesn't work on you, what would work on you? Figure it out and do it. Facebook ads, Technorati's new CPC network, EXTREMELY targeted affiliate links, niche social media sites... Stay ahead of the curve. Don't waste your time reading about it. JUST DO IT! That's what all the big guys in this industry have done, and it is the only secret to making money online

Trust me, you will be better off for it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Search Engines Are Dead

Search Engines Are Dead
(They just don't know it yet)

Ok, so this post really isn't about making money online. Or is it? You be the judge. I am going to make a bold claim right here and now. Let it be known that on this day I, the Online Privateer, have stated that Search Engines are dead.

*collective gasp*

Why do I say this? Have you tried searching for something lately with Google, Yahoo, or even that one that used to have a butler give you results...? The results are filled with crap! Spam. Crappy sites that are promoting crappy products filled with crappy blog posts designed simply to sell you crappy stuff. The internet currently is the advertising goldmine. Almost every blog known to man has sold out already, and if they haven't they either don't know how to or are sticking to some outdated moral compass that just points to POVERTY.

It's hard to wade through the crap to find the good stuff. Would you dig through a giant pile of steaming horse manure to see what's underneath? Well you do every day when you type most anything in to Google. Spammers fill the search engines with fake sites, portal sites, throw away link farm sites. These are designed to promote their main sites, which are designed to make money. Everybody is doing it these days. Since the advent of blogger, tumblr, ezinearticles, wordpress, and any one of thousands of other free blogging sites, the shere amount of pure crap has risen exponentially. Google has a real problem on their hands. It used to be that spammers had to shell out some dough to register domain names, get hosted, and have a giant empire of sites. Now it is all free and automated. There really is no such thing as an Honest Internet Business Free actually can be a very bad word. And it is killing search engines.

Thus the reason I make this statement. The giant search engine system is already dead it's just going down kicking and screaming. May it someday actually rest in piece... I mean peace.

So where is the future? Where will people turn to for information?

Social Media. Human powered search engines. Self submit and voting sites that are run by real humans and a real community of supporters. But! But! I am NOT talking about giant social media sites like Digg. It is great, but it is becoming a target for spammers and people to game the system. The real future is in niche social media sites. These niche sites have dedicated followers and community, they have real people looking for real information that has real value. And it is voted or deleted by the majority. This is why Wikipedia, for all it's faults, is so sucessfull. Websites like Sphinn.com for internet marketers are going to be popping up more and more and more for different niches.

A case study for the travel blogging niche

There already is a new travel community site called Globetrott, and other nich communities are are being created every day. Sites like Globetrott are good because they focus on a small niche on the internet. In this case travel blogging, travel destinations and the travelling community. If they can build up a decent audience of travelers, well then they've got a really good thing going for them.

The trick is getting the amount of members they need to keep the site alive. It takes a couple thousand extreme adventurers, perpetual nomads, globe trotters, travel enthusiasts and world wanderers for a site like this to become self sustaining. He's got a tough job ahead of him as the niche is still pretty small. Even though travel is one of the most searched for subjects on the internet. This is where to look to start promoting your websites. Do you have a travel or destination related post on one of your sites? Submit it to Globetrott, look for other social media sites to submit to in different niches.

Real quality places where you can go to discover real quality information. They will be small enough to not be an easy/attractive target for spammers to game the system, and self policed enough by dedicated members to shoot them down when and if they do decide to do it. But don't just submit your site and forget about it, become an active contributing part of the community, network with likeminded people, you may find that you will get more free backlinks than you imagined if you get in with the "community organizers" of a niche.

So, how does all this pertain to earning an online income? Well, how much of your money and traffic do you get from search engines? Could you live without it? Are you active in your niche communities? Have you networked with those people? Perhaps it could be that you would be making more profit online if you started becoming more active in your chosen community niche.

Heck, go crazy and find a niche and create a social media drigg or pligg style website or two for it. Promote it any way you know how. You never know, maybe you could become the next Digg.com for your niche. Welcome to the future of the internet.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Make money online with Secrets to link building

Link Building Techniques That Will Make You Online Profit

Making money online is all about getting traffic to your blog. The best way, for lots of reasons, to get traffic to your blog is by getting backlinks. Link building is as important as writing content. In the last article I wrote I told you the secrets of how to write articles to obtain backlinks. I hope you checked out the offer to sign up to AMA for free. They are an amazing resource for link building. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

At this point, if you are totally new to the world of the internet (it's a series of tubes...), profiting online, link building, SEO, blogging, or making websites then you probably are "wondering what exactly is a backlink?" If this is you then let me explain- a backlink is a LINK that points BACK to your website. You will see lots of backlinks all the time on my blog. Most of them point back to my own site, so don't bother clicking on them. Or do... I don't really care.

See, the more backlinks you have, the higher Google puts you in their search engine for the text that is in the backlink. This is called link building So if you have 1,000,000 backlinks for 'Click Here' then you will be the king whenever somebody searches for 'Click Here.' Too bad your blog has nothing to do with clicking... or here... So, based on this "logic" one can clearly see that if your website is about puppies, then you want a lot of backlinks that have 'puppies' as an anchor. If you don't know what anchor text is, read my post about how to write an article online. If you can get 1,000,000 backlinks for puppies, well then you are in Google puppie business so to speak. That's a very soft cuddly place to be.

Now, the next question on all of you Online Privateer's minds is: I want to make lots and lots of money online, so- How do I get lots and lots of backlinks?

Good question. It deserves a good answer. Everybody wants to know the secret to good link building. There are thousands of answers out there for how to get backlinks, most of them legit and worth persuing. And honestly, I'm not here to repeat them. They will say things like social media, writing articles, commenting on others blogs, guest posts, blah blah blah blah. Sure all of those ways work. Sure you can get some decent backlinks from doing it that way. Sure you will probably die of old age or boredom, or worse: give up on trying to earn money online by doing it this way.

I'm not gonna recycle the same old crap. I'm gonna share some real secrets with you.

Secrets to Link Building 301

Secret #1- Make money online with onsite backlinks
Use your own blog to give yourself targeted backlinks. You'll notice that I do this shamelessly. The only reason I write such ridiculously long blog posts is so that I can jam more keywords and backlinks into the body of each post. More backlinks means more juice with search engines.

A good rule of thumb is that to only link to yourself once every 150 words or so. Also, don't link to the same page with the same anchor text more than once. You can link to the same page with different anchor text with no consequences, but otherwise it gets flagged as spam and gives you no juice at all. We like juice.

Secret #2- Earn profit online with deeplinks
Don't just link to your main page. You've got tons of content on your site (right?) link to those pages as well with targeted backlinks. These are called "Deep Links." Oooh. Now class, we like deep links. Give all your pages and posts some linky love. This will help get those pages noticed and juiced up by the G-meister.

Secret #3
- Rake In Online Income with dofollow link building
If you insist on commenting on others blogs, then you might want to focus on blogs that have the plugin called "Commentluv" and/or "Keywordluv" enabled. Even better are the blogs that have these as well as "Dofollow" on their comments. Commentluv takes one of your posts from your RSS feed and adds it to the bottom of your comment. Keywordluv lets you link to your website in the name field of the comments with a keyword. Typing something like "Roy @ Motorized Wheel Chairs" gets you a backlink for... Motorized Wheel Chairs!

Because I'm such a nice guy, here is a huge list of dofollow blogs that help you earn money online.

I'm a fan of this plugin for the simple reason that it's ingeneious and very community building. It attracts people to comment on your blog as well, if that is something you care about. So I think everybody should share a little Commentluv.

Although let me be frank with you, these links aren't worth much. They rarely are relevant, and google devalues links in comments as well. So they are better than nothing, but not by much. I really recommend the ConnectContent program as a very low cost alternative. I can vouch for the effectiveness and ease of use this program offers. It's almost to easy to get backlinks with them. (see the next secret for more reasons why it is good)

Secret #4- Earn Consistent Income Online with more backlinks
Join a link exchange network. Not one of those sites where you buy links and get paid to put their links in your posts. Although this currently works, the big G-bomber no likey no mucho. So I will only promote G-Kosher things here. Usually.

What link exchange networks am I talking about then? Well, I already gave you a SWEET tip with AMA. Now I'm going to give away my next secret weapon- ConnectContent. This network is an exclusive network designed specifically to get and share backlinks in a totally legal kosher and whitehat way. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Secret #5- Become rich online with even more Relevant and One Way Links
When will these secrets stop! Actually, this is the last one. Unless I think of another one. If you really want to become rich and make money online, then start a blog. Start another blog. Start another blog. Aaaand, start another blog. You get it? If you have 5 blogs, then you have five resources that you can build up to give and share excellent links with each other. The more sites you run, the more relevant, and one way backlinks you can offer.

Notice I said relevant, and one way. Relevant because it's important that the links not be out of place in the post they are in. (Like the vinyl fencing link up top) A links relevency is almost more important than the PR of the page its located. One way because a one way link is better than a recipricol link. Recipricol links are when you say I'll link yours if you link mine. They are better than nothing, but not as good as a one way link. Now if you have only 3 websites, you then link them together so they form a triangle, one linking to the other to the other to the other. That way all three sites are linked together with relevant one way links. However be wary of services on the net that do this sort of thing for a fee. Check out this 3waylinks.net review to see why.

Remember, link building is like caring for a bonsai tree. It takes time and lots and lots of patience. I'll write an article on this later, but it takes an average of two months or more for any link you manage to get to even start giving you credit.

Ok, that's it for tonight kids. Now, go forth my internet privateers and Earn Income Online (with backlinks)!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Earn Income Online- Write Articles!

Earn More Income Online By Writing Articles
Article Writing and PR releases 101

If you already are a pro at writing articles, scroll to the bottom of this post for my recommendations on the best article marketing websites out there.

Ok, to get things started today my fellow Internet Privateers we have to be clear on these basic things: in order to make money online and profit online at all, you have to have traffic to your website. Traffic helps you make money with adsense. The best way to get traffic is to rank well in search engines. The best way to rank well in search engines is to get lots and lots of backlinks. A great way to get backlinks is to write articles and distribute them to article marketing sites. This provides you with a strong quality backlink from a popular website.

So writing articles and releasing press releases are an essential to optimizing a site for search engines, and more importantly earning steady income online! Do you know why? Three reasons:


1. They provide quality links! Backlinks are the currency of the internet. More articles and press releases, more backlinks!

2. Articles and press releases are also good because you get a small trickle of traffic from those articles as well. Traffic is good.

3. Finally they are good because they are what we call "link bait." It encourages others to write about your articles, hopefully providing a backlink to you in their own articles.

What makes a good article or Press Release
(from an SEO standpoing)

1. Targeted keywording. Make the article about one specific thing, put the keyword that you are targeting in the article as many times as you can while still making it readable. Put your target keyword in the title of the article!!! Also put the keyword in the first sentence, and in the last sentence. Put the keywords in the H1, H2, and H3 tags. Make it bold once or twice if you can. This tells Google in no uncertain terms what your article is about, and how to index it.

2. Link anchor text. Make sure the link back to your site uses the keywords you focused the article on. If your article was about investing in gold, then make your link back to your site this: Visit the Invest In Gold for more information on investing in gold." Notice that the bold text is the anchor text that leads back to your site. This link has your keyword targeted in the anchor. This is Very Important. If not the Most Important part of the article. It tells google what to look for when visiting your site.

3. Content of the article. This doesn't really matter in my opinion, others would disagree. Nobody is going to read your ezine article anyway. At least nobody in your target audience. Maybe if you put it on a blog, then I would worry about the content. But the idea is link building, and driving anybody who reads it to visit your site, not quality content on your ezine articles. Press Releases require better content, buzz words, and encouraging the press to see your information as "newsworthy." Save the really good content for your website and newsletters.

Article writing tricks and tips

1. You never ever want to publish duplicate content online. If Google detects duplicate content then it will not index either of the articles, and your hard work will be wasted.
2. Instead, take one article and rewrite it. Replace the adjectives with other adjectives, keeping the keywords the same. This prevents G from seeing it as duplicate content, and it still gets you a keyword targeted article with a quality backlink. There is article rewriter software out there, but the best software is free: your brain.
3. Take said article and publish it on a different ezine article website. The same goes for press releases, a paid press release is just an article waiting to be rewritten.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as desired or until your fingers start to bleed
5. Finally be varied in where you publish your articles. It's best to have lots of different websites pointing to yours, so make sure your articles are published to different websites once in a while.

So to recap, make sure your anchor text is correct for links in articles, make sure keywords are targeted, and make sure article is unique.

Article submission site suggestions

Ok now for those of you who read the entire article, and for those of you who skipped right to the end, here is my suggestion for article marketing. You will find tons and tons of article marketing sites out there, most charge an arm and a leg for their services. But they also have a free submit option as well. This will submit your article to a limited ammount of different sites, but hey, it's free!

By far, the article marketing site that has the most potential, and the best way of marketing unlimited, quality, original, and well linked articles is Article Marketer Automation. They offer a unique way of writing your articles so that the content is totally original all the time, and then they drip feed it to select sites as original content. Getting you targeted, unique, and varied links! It's by far the best option to produce lots of non duplicate content that will never get tagged by Google as spam.

Best of all, you can submit your self hosted website to them and they will provide you with original content that you approve of, free of charge! It's a win-win! You send articles and they send you free original content!

I am an affiliate with them, so through me you can sign up for free! Check them out! I can't emphasize enough how useful they are.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Secret to Online Profit-Get indexed in a day

Key to earning income online
Get indexed by Google in under 24 hours

So, you've got a great new blog and you want to get indexed by Google. Great! That is the first thing you want to do. But how do you go about doing it? I know this is nothing new, but for some reason it is a question that is constantly asked. You can't just sit back and expect Google to find you, you have to go to it. If you want to start earning online profit fast, you have to get indexed by Google fast.

Now, there are 10000000 tips and tricks to getting indexed by Google. They all work, to varying degrees. Go ahead and waste your time trying these out if you want, or you can follow my advice and get your site indexed by google in under 24 hours. I created this website and got it indexed and crawled by the big G in about 12 hours. How did I do it? I'm going to tell you.

First and formost, submit your website to the google search engine through their free submission option. This puts you in their queue which can be anywhere from 1 week to 20 years in length... or maybe that's the DMOZ queue... I forget.

Next sign up for Google's Webmaster tools. Submit your site AND SITEMAP to it. But wait... you don't have a sitemap? There are tons of auto generating sitemap apps out there, free and online you can create a quick sitemap of your site. Or if you use wordpress, use a sitemap plugin to generate one. "But I'm using Blogger!! I am cut off at the knees when it comes to anything technical on blogger..." you might be thinking. And you would be right. But oooh sooo wrong. You can actually submit your websites feed to google as a sitemap if you use Blogger. Just copy the rss feed url and paste it in for the url of your sitemap.

Next submit that awesome article you just wrote to dofollow social bookmarking sites. Try digg, reddit, propel, and mixx to start. These are loved by Google and will do wonders getting it's little itsy bitsy spider onto your website.

Finally, if you have another website, or a friend who has a website, add your link to their site. One tiny link can do wonders for getting your site indexed. Of course, if you are serious about making online profit and earning income online... well then you need hundreds and thousands more of these little guys. But one is a good place to start.

If you follow these three... or four... tips, then your site will be found by Google faster than you can say ratattoulie. Which by the way is a hilarious movie. Other websites will suggest submitting your sites to the DMOZ directory (which can take literally months or years to get into), and doing all sorts of other things, but these steps are proven again and again to be truly effective in getting you indexed by google in under 24 hours.

Thanks for reading all you Internet Privateers! Come back for more advice as I share the real secrets to making money online!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Earn Online Profit Adsense Blogger Tip

Make money online
Earn more online profit with this adsense tip for blogger

Ok, so it is no secret that adsense is a great way to start out making money online. In a future article I will be reviewing a real life case study of a guy who is making $20-$25 a day off the adsense on his blog in under a month!

However, in order to truly profit online and earn online income from Adsense, you have to have it properly formatted to draw people's attention. This is a guide for how to properly format adsense on your blog, and how to hack blogger to get adsense to appear in places where it normally wouldn't. (Like under your header, under your post title (like in this blog), and anywhere else you could really want it)

Ok, so a general rule of thumb when it comes to adsense is to make it blend in. You don't want the advertisements to be glaringly garish and painful to look at. You want them to blend into the content. On blogger.com they do not allow you to put advertisements in the content or other places, but on blog platforms like wordpress you have total control. (a hosted wordpress blog cannot display you own adsense) So, blend your advertisements in with your content as much as possible. Make your blogs font the same as the font of your adsense, make the links and text the same colors, make it look as much like content as you can. That way more people are likely to click on your ads thus earning online income for you.

Another thing to consider for how much online profit you will be making is where you place your advertisement. In general, the top left corner of any website is the most viewed/clicked on region of the site. The top right is the next most clicked on. And it continues on down until you get to the bottom right of your page. A region even you haven't looked at for ages. A small family of badgers could take up residence in the bottom right of your website, and you would never know it. DO NOT PUT ADSENSE IN PLACES PEOPLE WON'T LOOK.

"But it makes my blog look bad!!" You might say. If your goal is to make money blogging, then you will have to just deal. Or get extra creative. Most of you will just deal. Or not put up adsense at all and never make money online. Oh, and don't forget you are only allowed three adsense blocks, three link blocks, and a search box in total for one web page. On that note, if you are using Wordpress you might want to look at some already Adsense Optimized WordPress Themes.

So, ad blending and ad placement are important factors in determining how much online income you will make on your website. Take this into consideration before you put up adsense.

The following is only applicable to people using blogger as their platform.

How to put make more money online by putting adsense in the header or top of your post.

Ok, since we already know that putting advertisements in the top left corner of the blog is the best place for making money with adsense, how the heck do you do it for blogger? Most people think blogger only allows adsense in the sidebar and footer of their blog. Most people would be wrong. With a little hacking, you can greatly increase your online profit by putting adsense on top of your blog.

Step 1- Get your adsense code that you want. A big box works best, but feel free to be creative. Copy this code.
Step 2- Parse the html code by going here pasting the code, clicking parse, and copying the new code.
Step 3- Go to your Layout tab on your blogger dashboard. Click 'edit html'. Click 'expand widget templates' box.
Step 4- Find this code in your HTML: "data:post.body"
Step 5- Directly above the "data:post.body" line paste your parsed adsense code.
Step 6- Save template
Step 7- Earn a ton of money online with your blog...

Remember you are only allowed three adsense blocks per page, so if this does not work for you make sure you aren't being stupid. If you end up getting a new page with an error message, try doing this operation in a different browser. For some reason there have been issues in some browsers editing the HTML in this way. Firefox did not work for me, I had to use Safari.

Let me be clear now, that while adsense is one of the best ways to make money, it's not the only way. You can also make money eBay online selling. and setting up a BANS store and such, more on this later.

Ok, there you have it. Three posts in one day. Isn't it grand? Stay tuned to learn how to make real money on the internet and become a true Online Privateer!

*update- I have found a much easier way to put adsense above and below a post on blogger:
To add more "Gadget" boxes under header:

Under "layout" click "Edit HTML".

Click the "Expand Widget Template" Box.

Scroll down until you come to the section that looks like this;

"div id=' header-wrapper'"
"b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1'"

Change the maxwidgets to whatever you want then move over to the right at showaddelement='no' change that to yes

Save template. Go back to layout, page elements and you will see new gadget boxes that you can move down above the post between the header and the post.

Make money online- How to make online profit

Earn Online Income And Become An Internet Profiteer!

First of all let me give a huge shout out to my online profit teachers Grizz, JR, RT, Max, Eli, ZZ and many others. If you guys come across this site, know that your efforts have not been in vain!

Ok, now that shout outs are... out, we can continue.

I want you all to know that I am just like you yadda yadda yadda. All I want is to figure out the secret to harnessing this monstrosity called the internet and earn online income. If I couldn't harness it, then I was determined at least to hang onto its scaly back and go along for the ride! There is so much money floating around on the net right now, it's ripe for the taking! Or so we all have been told. But how the heck do you do it? So many people are out there right now telling you how to profit online, and how to get rich quick with the internet, how to 'game the system' so you can make easy money online. But still, I never gave up, I read the blogs, visited the sites, did the time, determined to find some real advice and actual valuable/viable tips to making real money on the internet. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy, but it is out there.

This blog is a compilation of all those online profit tips and tricks. I will be sharing them with you as long as you guys keep helping support me.

One thing you will (probably) never read on my site is how to make easy money online or how to make quick money. Making easy money on the internet is a secret that I have yet to find and I doubt it really exists without being totally evil. Although if any of you know about it, please share it with me! I'll make it worth your while (after you make it worth mine).

One thing you will read on this site is how I and others actually do make money online. I finally got frustrated reading these so called pro blogging websites, these get rich quick schemes, and the pure get wealthy crap that you scour out from the dreggs of the internet and decided to actually try something. And let me tell you, it takes hard work and determination.

Most of you probably don't have what it takes to become a real Online Profiteer. I'll put you through the boot camp, but I doubt many of you will come out and make real money on the internet. Why is that? It's freaking hard. It takes time. It takes patience. And you may not make profit online no matter how hard you try!

If this turns you away, then stop reading now. You won't earn online income at all. Get a real job. If you are still with me, then enjoy this blog. Just don't forget to support me in my efforts!

I am currently living abroad next to a sunny beach, living the life I have always dreamed of. I'm here to tell you, theses secrets to making money on the internet do work. I and many others have tested them and perfected them (as much as possible in the ever changing world of the internet). I'm going to share these secrets to you for free (although this very blog is part of how I make money online). Please be so kind as to link to me, spread the word, support me, and build me up. I'll only keep doing this as long as it is profitable to me in return. It takes a tiny bit of effort from you, a single click or two, but the rewards will be so high.

Coming up next:

How to make money blogging in under a month

(a real life case study)

Welcome to Making Online Profit and Income blog!

There is so much profit to be made and income to be earned online!

Welcome to the make money online profit and online income blog! I am a dedicated student of making money online, making online profit, and earning big income on the internet. I want to share those secrets with you free of charge, out of the goodness of my heart. If I kept all these secrets to myself then I think I would explode. Also this blog will serve as a reminder to me, since there are just so many ways to make online profit and income that I couldn't possibly remember them all!

To be perfectly honest, this blog will also serve to make me money. I will teach you how to use a blog to make money online using adsense, earn income online using affiliates, and so many other tricks that you won't believe how easy it is! Please enjoy reading this blog, I will be updating very frequently. Please, show your support by helping me make money online and earn online income! The more support I receive, the more tricks I can share with you.