
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Earn Online Profit Adsense Blogger Tip

Make money online
Earn more online profit with this adsense tip for blogger

Ok, so it is no secret that adsense is a great way to start out making money online. In a future article I will be reviewing a real life case study of a guy who is making $20-$25 a day off the adsense on his blog in under a month!

However, in order to truly profit online and earn online income from Adsense, you have to have it properly formatted to draw people's attention. This is a guide for how to properly format adsense on your blog, and how to hack blogger to get adsense to appear in places where it normally wouldn't. (Like under your header, under your post title (like in this blog), and anywhere else you could really want it)

Ok, so a general rule of thumb when it comes to adsense is to make it blend in. You don't want the advertisements to be glaringly garish and painful to look at. You want them to blend into the content. On blogger.com they do not allow you to put advertisements in the content or other places, but on blog platforms like wordpress you have total control. (a hosted wordpress blog cannot display you own adsense) So, blend your advertisements in with your content as much as possible. Make your blogs font the same as the font of your adsense, make the links and text the same colors, make it look as much like content as you can. That way more people are likely to click on your ads thus earning online income for you.

Another thing to consider for how much online profit you will be making is where you place your advertisement. In general, the top left corner of any website is the most viewed/clicked on region of the site. The top right is the next most clicked on. And it continues on down until you get to the bottom right of your page. A region even you haven't looked at for ages. A small family of badgers could take up residence in the bottom right of your website, and you would never know it. DO NOT PUT ADSENSE IN PLACES PEOPLE WON'T LOOK.

"But it makes my blog look bad!!" You might say. If your goal is to make money blogging, then you will have to just deal. Or get extra creative. Most of you will just deal. Or not put up adsense at all and never make money online. Oh, and don't forget you are only allowed three adsense blocks, three link blocks, and a search box in total for one web page. On that note, if you are using Wordpress you might want to look at some already Adsense Optimized WordPress Themes.

So, ad blending and ad placement are important factors in determining how much online income you will make on your website. Take this into consideration before you put up adsense.

The following is only applicable to people using blogger as their platform.

How to put make more money online by putting adsense in the header or top of your post.

Ok, since we already know that putting advertisements in the top left corner of the blog is the best place for making money with adsense, how the heck do you do it for blogger? Most people think blogger only allows adsense in the sidebar and footer of their blog. Most people would be wrong. With a little hacking, you can greatly increase your online profit by putting adsense on top of your blog.

Step 1- Get your adsense code that you want. A big box works best, but feel free to be creative. Copy this code.
Step 2- Parse the html code by going here pasting the code, clicking parse, and copying the new code.
Step 3- Go to your Layout tab on your blogger dashboard. Click 'edit html'. Click 'expand widget templates' box.
Step 4- Find this code in your HTML: "data:post.body"
Step 5- Directly above the "data:post.body" line paste your parsed adsense code.
Step 6- Save template
Step 7- Earn a ton of money online with your blog...

Remember you are only allowed three adsense blocks per page, so if this does not work for you make sure you aren't being stupid. If you end up getting a new page with an error message, try doing this operation in a different browser. For some reason there have been issues in some browsers editing the HTML in this way. Firefox did not work for me, I had to use Safari.

Let me be clear now, that while adsense is one of the best ways to make money, it's not the only way. You can also make money eBay online selling. and setting up a BANS store and such, more on this later.

Ok, there you have it. Three posts in one day. Isn't it grand? Stay tuned to learn how to make real money on the internet and become a true Online Privateer!

*update- I have found a much easier way to put adsense above and below a post on blogger:
To add more "Gadget" boxes under header:

Under "layout" click "Edit HTML".

Click the "Expand Widget Template" Box.

Scroll down until you come to the section that looks like this;

"div id=' header-wrapper'"
"b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1'"

Change the maxwidgets to whatever you want then move over to the right at showaddelement='no' change that to yes

Save template. Go back to layout, page elements and you will see new gadget boxes that you can move down above the post between the header and the post.

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