
Monday, December 8, 2008

Make money online with Secrets to link building

Link Building Techniques That Will Make You Online Profit

Making money online is all about getting traffic to your blog. The best way, for lots of reasons, to get traffic to your blog is by getting backlinks. Link building is as important as writing content. In the last article I wrote I told you the secrets of how to write articles to obtain backlinks. I hope you checked out the offer to sign up to AMA for free. They are an amazing resource for link building. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

At this point, if you are totally new to the world of the internet (it's a series of tubes...), profiting online, link building, SEO, blogging, or making websites then you probably are "wondering what exactly is a backlink?" If this is you then let me explain- a backlink is a LINK that points BACK to your website. You will see lots of backlinks all the time on my blog. Most of them point back to my own site, so don't bother clicking on them. Or do... I don't really care.

See, the more backlinks you have, the higher Google puts you in their search engine for the text that is in the backlink. This is called link building So if you have 1,000,000 backlinks for 'Click Here' then you will be the king whenever somebody searches for 'Click Here.' Too bad your blog has nothing to do with clicking... or here... So, based on this "logic" one can clearly see that if your website is about puppies, then you want a lot of backlinks that have 'puppies' as an anchor. If you don't know what anchor text is, read my post about how to write an article online. If you can get 1,000,000 backlinks for puppies, well then you are in Google puppie business so to speak. That's a very soft cuddly place to be.

Now, the next question on all of you Online Privateer's minds is: I want to make lots and lots of money online, so- How do I get lots and lots of backlinks?

Good question. It deserves a good answer. Everybody wants to know the secret to good link building. There are thousands of answers out there for how to get backlinks, most of them legit and worth persuing. And honestly, I'm not here to repeat them. They will say things like social media, writing articles, commenting on others blogs, guest posts, blah blah blah blah. Sure all of those ways work. Sure you can get some decent backlinks from doing it that way. Sure you will probably die of old age or boredom, or worse: give up on trying to earn money online by doing it this way.

I'm not gonna recycle the same old crap. I'm gonna share some real secrets with you.

Secrets to Link Building 301

Secret #1- Make money online with onsite backlinks
Use your own blog to give yourself targeted backlinks. You'll notice that I do this shamelessly. The only reason I write such ridiculously long blog posts is so that I can jam more keywords and backlinks into the body of each post. More backlinks means more juice with search engines.

A good rule of thumb is that to only link to yourself once every 150 words or so. Also, don't link to the same page with the same anchor text more than once. You can link to the same page with different anchor text with no consequences, but otherwise it gets flagged as spam and gives you no juice at all. We like juice.

Secret #2- Earn profit online with deeplinks
Don't just link to your main page. You've got tons of content on your site (right?) link to those pages as well with targeted backlinks. These are called "Deep Links." Oooh. Now class, we like deep links. Give all your pages and posts some linky love. This will help get those pages noticed and juiced up by the G-meister.

Secret #3
- Rake In Online Income with dofollow link building
If you insist on commenting on others blogs, then you might want to focus on blogs that have the plugin called "Commentluv" and/or "Keywordluv" enabled. Even better are the blogs that have these as well as "Dofollow" on their comments. Commentluv takes one of your posts from your RSS feed and adds it to the bottom of your comment. Keywordluv lets you link to your website in the name field of the comments with a keyword. Typing something like "Roy @ Motorized Wheel Chairs" gets you a backlink for... Motorized Wheel Chairs!

Because I'm such a nice guy, here is a huge list of dofollow blogs that help you earn money online.

I'm a fan of this plugin for the simple reason that it's ingeneious and very community building. It attracts people to comment on your blog as well, if that is something you care about. So I think everybody should share a little Commentluv.

Although let me be frank with you, these links aren't worth much. They rarely are relevant, and google devalues links in comments as well. So they are better than nothing, but not by much. I really recommend the ConnectContent program as a very low cost alternative. I can vouch for the effectiveness and ease of use this program offers. It's almost to easy to get backlinks with them. (see the next secret for more reasons why it is good)

Secret #4- Earn Consistent Income Online with more backlinks
Join a link exchange network. Not one of those sites where you buy links and get paid to put their links in your posts. Although this currently works, the big G-bomber no likey no mucho. So I will only promote G-Kosher things here. Usually.

What link exchange networks am I talking about then? Well, I already gave you a SWEET tip with AMA. Now I'm going to give away my next secret weapon- ConnectContent. This network is an exclusive network designed specifically to get and share backlinks in a totally legal kosher and whitehat way. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Secret #5- Become rich online with even more Relevant and One Way Links
When will these secrets stop! Actually, this is the last one. Unless I think of another one. If you really want to become rich and make money online, then start a blog. Start another blog. Start another blog. Aaaand, start another blog. You get it? If you have 5 blogs, then you have five resources that you can build up to give and share excellent links with each other. The more sites you run, the more relevant, and one way backlinks you can offer.

Notice I said relevant, and one way. Relevant because it's important that the links not be out of place in the post they are in. (Like the vinyl fencing link up top) A links relevency is almost more important than the PR of the page its located. One way because a one way link is better than a recipricol link. Recipricol links are when you say I'll link yours if you link mine. They are better than nothing, but not as good as a one way link. Now if you have only 3 websites, you then link them together so they form a triangle, one linking to the other to the other to the other. That way all three sites are linked together with relevant one way links. However be wary of services on the net that do this sort of thing for a fee. Check out this 3waylinks.net review to see why.

Remember, link building is like caring for a bonsai tree. It takes time and lots and lots of patience. I'll write an article on this later, but it takes an average of two months or more for any link you manage to get to even start giving you credit.

Ok, that's it for tonight kids. Now, go forth my internet privateers and Earn Income Online (with backlinks)!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting and informative, in fact I'll be following your blog.
I just noticed you are using blogger.com and keywordluv and commentluv are wordpress plug ins. Are there such plug ins for blogger.com,too?

BDT said...

Yes in fact. Here's the link for how to do it:

Q and A said...

Very informative,I am learning from you, as matter of fact picked up several tips to use, Thanks
Hey where and how do you leave your keyword link?

BDT said...

Glad you like the blog Q and A. Sorry for the rambling and occasional ranting. Gotta get it out of my system somehow.

You can leave your keyword link in the text of your articles, or as a site wide link on a blog as well.

I really recommend checking out the Article Marketing Automation program, and the Connect Content programs. They will give you everything you need to really get started in the business.