
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blogging to Make Money or Making Money Blogging

The Difference Between Blogging To Make Money and Making Money Blogging

You know, there is a huge difference in how you approach making money online depending on what your ultimate goal is. There comes a point where all of us have to ask ourselves, are we trying to make money with our blogs, or are we blogging to make money?

On the surface, these two things may seem very similar. But dig down a bit and they reveal two underlying philosophies that are fundamentally different. And it is good for each of us to identify which philosophy we subscribe to. So let's examine both of them more closely:

Make Money Blogging:

A person to wants to make money blogging is a specific kind of person. This kind of a person has a blog or two. He puts his heart into the blogs, he has designed them just right, they are beautiful and appealing to the eyes, they are easy to read and attractive. He puts his soul into the content, not just any content but "quality content," original stuff, good stuff, opinions and tips and suggestions and reviews, meaningful posts that add something to his readers life. He is concerned about things like the "stickiness" and "bounce rate" of his website, the appeal and value his blog offers, he believes that "Content is King" and aspires possibly to one day become a problogger where people hang on his every word.

He wants traffic to come to his website, he spends his time commenting on others websites, trying to get his link on their blogrolls, researching his next great post, and reading all his favorite blogs.

He also wants to make some cash off his blog. So he does all the research he can, like a dutiful problogger. Trying out different advertising networks, different affiliate programs, every new system that comes out the door. He signs up for adsense, and puts one or two advertisements on his site- in aesthetically pleasing locations that is, along with well placed affiliate advertisements. He dreams of the day when advertisers will be calling him to place an ad on his website.

In general, he is a happy fellow, and his followers and RSS subscribers like him and have a relationship with him. They submit his carfully crafted posts to social media sites, and he dreams of his content "going viral."

The other group of people are people who:

Blog to Make Money:

People who blog to make money are different from the above group. These people also go by the name of Internet Marketers. They have no desire to create beautiful websites, flashy content, quality or crafted posts, viral comments, or gain RSS subscribers. They couldn't care what people thought of their websites (notice the plural on website's'), and they wouldn't shed a single drop of sweat trying to become a "problogger." The only thing these people care about is money. Visitors are only numbers to them, the more the better since that means more ads that will be clicked on. These ones know darn well that when you read a review of site build it, most of them are scams and frauds.

These people spend their time creating websites, hundreds of them. They whip them out in cookie cutter formats and slap them on the web. They carefully research keywords, niche compitition, adwords payouts, and places where they can leave links. They spend their time writing crappy articles and posts, as many as possible, and putting them on their websites and submitting them to article directories, as many as possible. They build farm blogs, worry about things like C-class IP addresses, anchor links, PR, backlinks, duplicate content, footprints, Google in general, niche SERP rankings, new niches, marketing tools, and ad placements.

They have a system to make money, and they stick to it. More often than not it is adsense with a sprinkling of affiliate, ebay store, or clickbank thrown into the mix. They dream of attaining #1 position for their primary keywords, getting high PR backlinks, and their ultimate goal is to have enough online profit and online income coming in on a regular basis from the internet that they no longer have to work at all.

These guys tend to be a less than happy lot of people, kinda greedy, very sneaky, and a few of them are very very rich.


It is important for you to decide which philosophy you want to live by. You can't half-ass both. Well you can, but it would be... half-assed, and you would not succeed at doing anything of note. Neither path is wrong, but decide which path you will follow and stick to it. This will make your goals clear and give you a direction to head in.

This is the Internet Privateer signing off.

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